Live healthy and vibrant with delicious food...P.S. ya mamma.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Should you go RAW or stick with COOKED?

Raw Vs Cooked

       Raw food vs. cooked food; the final showdown. With the growing popularity of raw or “living” foods there are many people still asking the question, “Is raw food really better for you and why?” Many people have turned to a vegetarian diet for health or political reasons. Many others have converted to a raw or “living” vegetarian diet to address health conditions and ailments. We’re not attempting to answer the question of whether or not a vegetarian diet is the healthiest. Many people have turned to a vegetarian diet to achieve optimal health and well being, but there has been a backlash by many well educated people who acknowledge the health benefits of eating a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, but stand firm on the opinion that exclusively eating raw food isn’t necessarily the best diet. A fascinating article on this can be read at ( These individuals like to highlight that certain cartenoids such as betacarotene and antioxidants like lysopene and ferulic acid aren’t made available to us unless the vegetables are cooked. The evidence supporting cooked food also states that cooking is crucial to our diets, stating that it helps us digest without expending huge amounts of energy by softening cellulose and rupturing cell walls on fibrous plant and vegetable matter. Cartenoids give fruits and vegetables their red, orange and yellow colorings. The body converts beta-carotene into Vitamin A, which plays an important role in vision, reproduction, bone growth and regulating the immune system. The belief is that humans can benefit from eating some degree of cooked food as well.

      On the flip side cooking anything over 118 degrees Fahrenheit kills vitamins, leaches out minerals and denatures enzymes necessary for healthy digestion and assimilation. Vitamins are delicate and many of them are completely destroyed with the use of heat. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble (they dissolve in fat), hence these are lost in frying or cooking with oil. High heat destroys Vitamin C and all B vitamins including vitamin B12.

       Enzymes are a unique and integral element of health found in every living raw food. Enzymes are destroyed by cooking which is a bummer, since they are the food code that tells the food where to go in our bodies. When we eat cooked food our bodies have to re-identify the food, recode it and manufacture the proper enzymes and attempt to deliver it to the proper tissues and organs. This process takes energy and depletes us of vitality. Raw food is completely "bioavailable", meaning that our bodies are able to fully utilize and assimilate its nutrients most optimally. (To read more on this matter you can read one of the most informative articles that I’ve ever found at
Our website’s mission is to entertain and educate. Eating a vegetarian, vegan or Raw living food diet may be out of your comfort zone. We WANT you to step out of your comfort zone, but not into your shock zone. While most doctors and specialists agree that eating a diet mainly consisting of fruits, vegetables and whole grains is the healthiest diet, we understand that not everyone can or will adopt this diet (there is a ridiculous amount of research to support that eating an organic vegetarian diet is the healthiest diet on the planet. So if you’re still following the Atkins diet, get with it and sell those out dated dieting books on ebay). But if you’re looking to become healthier, boost your energy levels, cleanse, feed your family healthier foods, poop 3 times a day, or just experiment with different flavors, textures and colors we hope you enjoy these recipes. We believe that nutrition should be fun and not stressful. Keep it simple and enjoy the practice and experience. But please be careful using kitchen knives and don’t cut your fingers off.

        Now that the science lesson is over, lets get down to brass tacks. Cooked food just tastes better. I am sure that eating a raw diet, may have some health benefits, but when the reality of feeding your children or guests in your home sets in, all of the above will appreciate a home cooked meal. When I am planning a meal or a week's worth of meals, I aim to keep my family healthy, while serving up some of the tastiest dishes they, and I'm hoping you all will have ever tasted. My approach is to incorporate a balance of raw food like salads, fruit, nuts and seeds with the deliciousness of cooked veggies, breads, pastas, sauces, and sautes that provide a perfect compliment. I also hope to take in to consideration your time and budget. It is my mission to show that you can feed your family a healthy diet, that they will love, without spending hours in the kitchen and hundreds at the local co-op. I sincerely hope that you try out and enjoy all of the recipes that become available. As you can see, we are both passionate about striving for great health and the best life and food have to offer.  

1 comment:

  1. I still prefer raw food even though I always eat cooked food. The nutrients in raw food are complete, not like in cooked food. Take the necessary vitamins and supplements to maintain your health; check out Vitamins Canada now.
